Chancellor's Fellow (AI & Data Science) at EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Member of the UK Young Academy
Honorary Lecturer, University of St Andrews
Teaching, Examination and Supervision experience
Course Leader for:
Principles of Computer Communication Systems, University of St Andrews, since 2022
Databases, University of St Andrews, since 2022
PhD Students, since 2015
Co-supervisor of Alessandro Spinuso, Active Provenance for Data Intensive Research, from 2015 to 2018
Co-supervisor of Luca Trani, Holistic Catalogues for Data-Intensive Science, from 2015 to 2019
Co-supervisor of Ole Weidner, Data-Driven HPC, from 2015 to 2021
Examined seven external PhDs, since 2012
Giannis Evagorou, Methods for Efficient Storage, Distribution and Scalable Analysis of Spatial Data, Imperial College London University, UK, 2021
Pablo Cerro, Modelling and validation of cloud systems using model driven engineering, metamorphic and mutation testing, University Complutense, Spain, 2020
Hector Ortega, Parallel Approaches to Shortest-Path Problems for Multilevel Heterogeneous Computing, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2015
Idafen Santana Perez, Conservation of Computational Scientific Execution Environments for Workflow-based Experiments Using Ontologies , Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, 2015
Jordi Villaplana, Management of Cloud systems applied to eHealth, University of Lleida, Spain, 2015
Miquel Orobitg, High performance computing on biological sequence alignment, University of Lleida, Spain, 2013
Laura Prada, New techniques to model energy-aware I/O architectures based on SSD and hard disk drives, University Carlos III, Spain, 2012
Tutorials and laboratories, from 2010 to 2020:
My responsibilities also included to deliver training sessions in multi-day events attended by multidisciplinary audiences ranging from undergraduates and PhD students to senior academics.
Three Spark courses teaching at different PRACE-events, 2019
Introduction to Machine Learning, Scottish Enterprise, 2018
Introduction to Data Science at EPCC, 2019
Two Spark courses teaching at British Geological Survey, 2017
Three dispel4py seminars at various dissemination events, 2014 to 2016
Supervision of MSc and BSc students at the University of St Andrews, since 2022
Exploring ML solutions for calculating Python Code Similarity, 2022/2023, BSc
A New Serverless Stream Based Processing Framework, 2022/2023, BSc
A Neo4J Knowledge Graph for Python Code Repositories, 2022/2023, BSc,
Dynamic Deployment of Stream-based Applications, 2022, MSc
Improving an AI-web Tool for Analysing NLS Digital Collections, 2022, MSc
A Knowledge Graph and AI-Web-Platform to Explore UK Events data, 2022, MSc
Supervision of MSc Informatics students at the University of Edinburgh, from 2013 to 2020
Performance of parallel K-means algorithm using Python, 2020
From text to structured data, 2020
Dynamic optimizations of streaming applications, 2020
Automatic detection of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonances using machine learning algorithms, 2019
Parallel Strategies for K-means Algorithm, 2018
Comparison of performance between Apache Spark and dispel4py Data Streaming Tools, 2017
Dynamic and automated tool to transferr data and metadata from rock physic laboratories to a remote location, 2013
Enhancing a portable adaptive compression technique for MPI-based applications, 2013
Profiling analysis for a new Python framework (dispel4py) for describing abstract stream-based workflows, 2015
Design a run-time adaptive compression algorithm for stream-based workflows, 2015
Stream-based workflows with dispel4py library, 2015
Supervision of Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC)-PIRE program students, since 2012 to 2015
PRAS-DT: Portable, Reliable, and Automatic Streaming Data Transfer using Globus Online, 2012
Extending Rock Physics to the Cloud and Beyond, 2013
Varpy: A python library for volcanology and rock physics, 2013
Testing the scalability of dispel4py mappings to different parallel platforms, 2014
Analyse the 1000 Genome project data to study the mutation overlapping by population and chromosome, 2015
Analyse the output of the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) to study the overlapping genes, 2015
Teaching Fellow at University Carlos III of Madrid, from 2005 to 2010
I have taught undergraduate courses in Master’s and Bachelor’s Computer Science Programmes. My responsibilities included material preparation; delivering lectures and tutorials;laboratory demonstration; grading homework and exams; and assisting students with course materials.
Subjects: Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Fault-tolerant Systems, Introduction to Programming, Computer Structure and Distributed Systems.
Supervision of MSc Informatics students at University Carlos III of Madrid, from 2005 to 2010
Analysis, design and development for managing a user contact system, 2010
Design and implementation of a Java learning tool through Android, 2009
Study of the Moodle tool for online courses, 2009
Creating a virtual classroom for our research group using Moodle, 2008
Virtual course for the ”Fault-tolerant systems” course using Moodle, 2008
Virtual course for the ”Introduction to programming” course using Moodle, 2008
Virtual course for the ”Computer Structure” course using Moodle, 2006