Chancellor's Fellow (AI & Data Science) at EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Member of the UK Young Academy
Honorary Lecturer, University of St Andrews
Other Activities
Community Service
Expert for the Workflow Community Summit, Track: Improving workflow systems’ interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stack, April 7, 2021
Participation in the Workflow Community Summit events, since January 2021
Reviewer for the MAESTRO project funded by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging
Technologies initiatives in H2020, since February 2020
Expert external evaluator for EU H2020-ICT proposals, 2019
Lead author of The data-driven geoscience platform research line for the BGS Informatics Science
Directorate, February 2017
Participation in the SC Mentor-Protege Program as a mentor, Super Computing, Salt Lake City, US, November 2016
Reviewer for the EXCAPE project funded by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging
Technologies initiatives in H2020, from May 2016 to September 2018
Participation in the European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI) as an expert in the field of Weather, Climatology and Solid Earth Sciences, since May 2016
Workshops Organizer, Programme Committee Memberships and Journal Reviewing
Co-chair for the 16thWorkshop onWorkflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS21) at SC21, 2021
Programme committee member for the SC21, 2021.
Programme committe member for IEEE Cluster, 2021.
Programme committee member for the International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2021
Programme committee member for the IEEE IPDPS, 2021.
Co-chair for the 15thWorkshop onWorkflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS20) at SC20, 2020
Invited speaker’s chair for Women in HPC at ISC20, 2020
Programme committee member for the International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2020.
Co-organizer of the session Data-Oriented and Self-Optimizing Architectures and Workflows for Earth, Space and Climate Science Applications, AGU, 2019
Co-chair of the Bridging from Concepts to Data and Computation (BC2DC) workshop collocated with the IEEE eScience, 2019
Programme Committee member for the SC19 edition of the Women in HPC workshop, 2019
Programme committee member for the IEEE eScience conference, 2019
Programme committee member for the International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2019
Co-organizer of the session Data-Driven Platforms and VREs for Complex Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Applications, AGU, 2018
Programme committee member for the International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2018
Reviewer for the Journal of Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017
Poster Committee Member for the IEEE Cluster, 2016
Reviewer for the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid )Conference, 2016
Programme committee member for the TPDL 2016 on Reproducible Open Science Workshop, 2016
Programme committee member for the first International Workshop on Interoperable infrastructures for
Interdisciplinary Big Data Sciences (IT4RIs 15), 2015
Programme committee member for the ACM Conference on Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming (SOAP 2015), 2015
Programme committee member for the IEEE Conference on International Symposium on Parallel and
Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2013), 2012 and 2013
Reviewer for the Journal of Systems and Software, 2013
Reviewer for the Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2013
Reviewer for the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2010) Conference, 2010