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Selected publications


  • Pablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Nuñez, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Parallel mutation testing for large scale systems. Cluster Computing, 2024

  • Suzanne R. Black, Rosa Filgueira, Lesley McAra, et al. Cultural Analytics in the UK: Current Work and Future Potential. Cultural Trends, 2024

  • Suzanne R. Black, Rosa Filgueira, Lesley McAra, et al. Evaluating Events Data for Cultural
    Analytics: A case study on the economic and social e ects of Covid-19 on the Edinburgh Festivals.
    Creative Industries Journal, 2024

  •  Suzanne R. Black, Rosa Filgueira, Lesley McAra, et al. textitCultural Analytics in the UK: Current
    Work and Future Potential. Cultural Trends, 2022 .

  • Pablo C. Ca˜nizares , Alberto Nuñez, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Parallel Mutation Testing Large Scale
    Systems . Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2022

  • Liang Liang, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Scalable Adaptive Optimizations for Stream-based Workflows in Multi-HPC-Clusters and Cloud Infrastructures. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2021.

  • Johanna M. Scheidegger, ..., Rosa Filgueira. Integration of 2D Lateral Groundwater Flow into the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model and Effects on Simulated Fluxes for Diiferent Grid Resolutions and Aquifer Difussivities. Water; 13 (5), March 2021.

  • Sandra Engwell, ... , Rosa Filgueira. Near-real-time volcanic cloud monitoring: insights into global explosive volcanic eruptive activity through analysis of Volcanic Ash Advisories. Bulletin of Volcanology 83 (2), 1-17, January 2021.

  • Iraklis A. Klampanos, Chrysoula Themeli, Rosa Filgueira, et al. DARE Platform: a Developer-Friendly and Self-Optimising Workflows-as-a-Service Framework for e-Science on the Cloud. The Journal of Open Sofware, October 2020.

  • Paolo Marangio, Vyron Christodoulou, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Highlights Automatic detection of Ionospheric Alfv´en Resonances in magnetic spectrograms using U-net. Computers Geoscience, 2020.

  • Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Exploring PID Controllers for Online Resilient
    Resource Management of Distributed Scientific Workflows
    . Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.95, pp. 615-628, 2019

  • Luca Trani, Rosa Filgueira, Rosa Filgueira et al. Establishing Core Concepts for Information-PoweredCollaborations. Future Generation Computer Systtems, vol. 89, pp. 421-437, 2018

  • Luca Trani, Mathijs Koymans, Malcolm Atkinson, Reinoud Sleeman, Rosa Filgueira. WFCatalog: a catalogue for seismological waveform data. Computers and Geosciences Journal, 2017

  • Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Rosa Filgueira, Ilia Pietric, Ming Jiangd, Rizos Sakellarioue, Ewa Deelman. A characterization of workflow management systems for extreme-scale applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier Journal, 2017

  • Rosa Filgueira, Amrey Krause, Malcolm Atkinson, Iraklis Klampanos, Alexander Moreno. dispel4py: A Python Framework for Data-Intensive Scientific Computing. International Journal High Performance Applications (IJHPCA), 2016

  • Jordi Vilaplana, Francesc Solsona, Francesc Abella, Rosa Filgueira and Josep Rius. The Cloud Paradigm applied to e-Health. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2013

  • Alberto Nunez, Javier Ferrnandez, Jesus Carretero and Rosa Filgueira. SIMCAN: A flexible, scalable and expandable simulation platform for modeling and simulating HPC architectures and applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2012

  • Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Alejandro Calder on, Felix Garcia Carballeira and Jesus Carretero. Adaptive CoMPI: Enhancing MPI based applications performance and scalability by using adaptive compression. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Applications, 2011

  • Rosa Filgueira, Jesus Carretero, David E. Singh, Alejandro Calderon and Alberto Nunez. Dynamic-CoMPI: Dynamic optimization techniques for MPI parallel applications. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2012





  • Daniel Rotchford, ..., Rosa Filgueira, Laminar 2.0: Serverless Stream Processing with Enhanced Code. Search and Recommendations. Proceedings of the SC’24 Workshops, WORKS 2024

  • Honglin Zhang, Leyu Zhang, ..., Rosa Filgueira. Multi-Level AI-Driven Analysis of Software. Repository Similarities, IEEE 20th International Conference on eScience, Osaka, Japan, September, 2024.

  • Lilin Yu, Ash Charlton, ..., Rosa Filgueira. Advancing frances: New Heritage Textual Ontology, Enhanced Knowledge Graphs, and Refined Search Capabilities, IEEE 20th International Conference on eScience, Osaka, Japan, September 2024.

  • Zaynab Zahra, Zihao Li, Rosa Filgueira. Laminar: A New Serverless Stream-based Framework with
    Semantic Code Search and Code Completion. Proceedings of the SC’23 Workshops, WORKS 2023.

  • Liang Liang, Heting Zhang, ..., Rosa Filgueira. Optimization towards Efficiency and Stateful of
    dispel4py. Proceedings of the SC’23 Workshops of The International, WORKS 2023.

  • Michael Rovatsos and Rosa Filgueira. Building lightweight semantic search engines. IEEE 19th
    International Conference on eScience, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2023.

  • Zihao Li and Rosa Filgueira. Mapping the repository landscape: harnessing similarity with RepoSim
    and RepoSnipy. IEEE 19th International Conference on eScience, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2023.

  • Christopher Williams and Rosa Filgueira. RepoGraph: a novel semantic code exploration tool for
    python repositories based on knowledge graphs and deep learning. IEEE 19th International Conference
    on eScience, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2023.

  • Lilin Yu, ..., Rosa Filgueira. frances: cloud-based historical text mining with deep learning and parallel
    processing. IEEE 19th International Conference on eScience, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2023.

  • Emily K. Adams,..., Rosa Filgueira, et al. Novel proposals for FAIR, automated, recommendable, and
    robust workflows. 17th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large Scale (WORKS’22), during SC22,
    Dallas, US, 14 November 2022.

  • Rosa Filgueira. frances: a Deep Learning NLP and Text Mining Web-Tool to Unlock Historical Digital Collections. IEEE 18th International Conference on eScience, Salt Lake City, US, October 2022.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Feras M. Awaysheh, et al. SparkFlow: Towards high-performance data analytics for spark-based genome analysis. 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet (CCGrid), Taormina, Sicily, Italy, May 2022.

  • Pablo C. Ca˜nizares, ..., Rosa Filgueira, et al. Validating communication network configurations in cloud and HPC systems using Metamorphic Testing. 2022 4th International Electronics Communication
    Conference, June 2022.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Daniel Garijo.  Inspect4py: A Knowledge Extraction Framework for Python
    .The 2022 Mining Software Repositories Conference, May 2022.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Claire Grover, et al. Extending defoe for the Efficient Analysis of Historical Texts at Scale. IEEE eScience, September 2021.

  • Liang Liang, Rosa Filgueira, et al. Adaptive Optimizations for Stream-based workflows. 15th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large Scale, during SC20, 15th November 2020.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Beatrice Alex, et al. Geoparsing the historical Gazetteers of Scotland: accurately computing location in mass digitised texts. 8th Workshop on the Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora, June 2020.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Michael Jackson, et al. defoe: A Spark-based Toolbox for Analysing Digital Historical Textual Data. IEEE eScience 2019 .

  • Malcolm Atkinson, Rosa Filgueira, et al.  Comprehensible Control for Researchers and Developers facing Data Challenges. IEEE eScience 2019 .

  • Rosa Filgueira. DARE Platform: Enabling Easy Data-Intensive Workflow Composition and Deployment. RO2019, IEEEEeScience 2019.

  • Rosa Filgueira, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, et al. IoT-Hub : New IoT Data-Platform for Virtual Research Environments. 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2018), 13-15 June 2018

  • Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Rosa Filgueira, Ewa Deelman, Erola Pairo-Castineira, Ian Overton, Malcolm Atkinson. Online Self-Healing Control Loop to Prevent and Mitigate Faults in Scientific Workflows. SuperComputing 16, WORKS’16 Workshop, Salt Lake City, US, November 14, 2016

  • Rosa Filgueira, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Amrey Krause, Ewa Deelman, Malcolm Atkinson. Asterism: Pegasus and dispel4py hybrid workflows for data-intensive science. SuperComputing 16, DataCloud’16 Workshop, Salt Lake City, US, November 13, 2016

  • Ole Weidner, Malcolm Atkinson,  Adam Barker, Rosa Filgueira. Rethinking High Performance Computing Platforms: Challenges, Opportunities and Recommendations. DIDC’16 Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, June 1, 2016

  • Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Ewa Deelman, Rosa Filgueira, Karan Vahi, Mats Rynge, Rajiv Mayani, Benjamin Mayer. Automating Environmental Computing Applications with Scientific Workflows. 12th IEEE eSicence Conference, ECW workshop, Baltimore, US, October 23, 2016

  • Amrey Krause, Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson. dispel4py: A Python Framework for Data-Intensive eScience. SuperComputing 15, PyHPC'15, Austin, US, 2015

  • Rosa Filgueira, Amrey Krause, Malcolm Atkinson, Iraklis Klampanos, Alessandro Spinuso, Susana Sanchez-Exposito. dispel4py: An User-friendly Framework for Describing eScience Applications. In Proceedings of 11th EEE eScience, Munich, Germany, September 1-4, 2015

  • Malcolm Atkinson, Michele Carpene, Emanuele Casarotti, Steffen Claus, Rosa Filgueira, et al. VERCE delivers a productive e-Science environment for seismology research. In Proceedings of 11th EEE eScience, Munich, Germany, September 1-4, 2015

  • Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson, Andrew Bell, Ian Main, Branwen Snelling. VarPy: A Python library for volcanology and rock physics data analysis. SuperComputer 14, PyHPC’14 worksop.  New Orleans, US, 2014

  • Rosa Filgueira, Iraklis Klampanos, Amrey Krause, Mario David, Alexander Moreno, Malcolm Atkinson. dispel4py: A Python Framework for Data-Intensive Scientific Computing. SuperComputer 14, DISCS’14 worksop . New Orleans, US, 2014

  • Sandra Gesing, Malcolm Atkinson, Rosa Filgueira, Ian Taylor, Andrew Jones, Vlado Stankovski, Chee Sun Liew, Alessandro Spinuso, Gabor Terstyanszky and Peter Kacsuk. Workflows in a Dashboard: A New Generation of Usability. SuperComputer 14, WORKS’14 worksop, New Orleans, US,  2014

  • Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson, Andrew Bell, Ian Main, Steve Boon, Christopher Kilburn and Philip Meredith. eScience gateway stimulating collaboration in rock physics and volcanology. IEEE 10th IEEE eScience, Guaruja, Brazil, 2014

  • Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson, Yusuke Tanimura, Isao Kojima. Applying Selectively Parallel I/O Compression to Parallel Storage Systems. (Euro-Par 2014), Porto, Portugal, 2014

  • RosaFilgueira, Malcolm Atkinson, AlbertoNunez, Javier Ferrnandez. An Adaptive ,Scalable, and Portable Technique for Speeding Up MPI-Based Applications. In Proceedings of International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2012), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2012

  • Gabriel G. Castane, Alberto Nunez, Rosa Filgueira, Jesus Carretero. Dimensioning Scientific Computing Systems to Improve Performance of Map-Reduce based Applications. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012), Omaha, Nebraska, 2012

  • Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Alejandro Calderon, Jesus Carretero. CoMPI: Enhancing MPI Based Applications Performance and Scalability Using Run-Time Compression. In Proceedings of EURO PVM/MPI 2009, Espoo, Finland, 2009

  • Rosa Filgueira,  DavidE.Singh, Juan Carlos Pichel, Jesus Carretero. Exploiting data compression in collective I/O techniques. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2008), Tsukuba, Japan, 2008

  • Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Juan Carlos Pichel, Florin Isaila, Jesus Carretero. Data Locality Aware Strategy for Two-Phase Collective I/O. In Proceedings of High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2008), Toulouse, France, 2008.

  • Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Florin Isaila, Jesus Carretero, Antonio Garcıa Loureiro. Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application. In Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007), Long Beach, California US, 2007

Book and book's chapters

  •  Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson, Amrey Krause. Chapter: dispel4py: agility and scalability for data-intensive. HPC Springer eBook on Conquering Big Data Using High Performance Computing, 2016

  •  Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Jesus Carretero. Book: Optimization techniques for parallel applications on clusters. Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-3-8433-70, 2010

Invited speaker
  • Advanced data-driven frameworks to develop reproducible data science applications at scale, Workshop on Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads, 2021

  • Improving workflow systems' interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stack, Workflows Community Summit, online,  2021

  • Analysing Digital Historical Textual Data at Scale with Defoe Toolbox, RLUK, Text and Data Mining Seminar, online, 2020

  • Delivering easy-to-use frameworks to empower data-driven research,  UK-France Bilateral International Meeting, Royal Society, Chicheley, UK, 2019


  • Delivering easy-to-use frameworks to empower data-driven applications on HPC environments, HPCKM’17, San Sebastian, Spain, 2017.

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